Yüze Dolgu Uygulamaları

We prefer hyaluronic acid fillers in face.

What is hyaluronic acid? How does it affect?

Hyaluronic acid is a building block found in our skin. It is hydrophilic, so it retains water and increases skin tonus. It gives volume to the injected area. There are many products of different brands with different densities. Depending on the density of the product, the effect lasts for 6-9 months.

Areas where fillers are used?

Volumazing of lips

Correction of tear trough deformity

Contouring the face (augmentation of cheekbones, correction of sunken cheeks)

Eliminating the skin wrinkles

Lifting the tip of the nose

Correction of nasal hump

Lifting of the eyebrow

Is application of fillers a painful procedure? How is it done?

45 minutes before the application of filler, the area to be filled is anesthetized. The filling process may cause a slight pain in general.

The filling material is given in appropriate amounts by entering with special needles from different points. Applying too little or too much filler can cause undesirable results. Therefore, it should be done by an expert.

What kind of face awaits you right after the application?

The effect is seen as soon as the filler is applied. There is no need to wait for the effect to be observed, as in botulinum toxin administration.

Application to fillers to the wrinkles gives the face a refreshed and youthful appearance.

Immediately after the application, a slight redness and slight swelling may be seen at the injection site. These redness and swellings disappear in about 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes there may be a very light bleeding that stops by itself at the place where the needle was inserted. Very rarely, bruising due to subcutaneous hemorrhage can be seen.

What are the points to be considered before filling?

Filler application while taking blood thinners (such as acetylsalicylic acid, heparin, NSAID, etc.) may cause bleeding at the injection site. These drugs should be discontinued 1 week and 10 days before the filler application, under the supervision of a doctor.

Fillers should not be applied to those with rheumatic diseases (collagen tissue diseases).

Post-procedure recommendations

Excessive facial mimic movements (excessive laughing or excessive talking) should be avoided for 6 hours after the filler application.

The filled area should not be played with or massaged.

Lips should not shrink for 2 days after lip fillers.

In cases of filler application around the eyes, a lot of water should not be consumed. In other region applications, a lot of water should be consumed.

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